Instrumentation: Reciter, Flute in C and Piano

Duration: a.c. 10:30 minutes

Year of composition: 2002-03

Premiere: May 23, 2003. “Manuel Castillo” Superior Conservatory of Music in Seville.

Auxiliadora Gil (Piano)

Sara Martín (Flute)

Fernando Sáiz (Reciter)

Observations: Composition Honor Award granted by the “Manuel Castillo” Superior Music Conservatory of Seville. Dedicated to the memory of Federico García Lorca


Program notes:

“Sonetos” for flute and piano, is a piece divided into four movements and inspired by four sonnets by Federico García Lorca, a poet to whose memory it is dedicated.

It arises as a result of the final studies of composition at the Superior Conservatory of Music “Manuel Castillo” in Seville under the tutelage of Ignacio Marín.

In its elaboration, the composer was very influenced by the precepts that Oliver Messiaen collects in his treatise “My musical language”, as we can highlight in the use of modes with limited transpositions, non-retrogradeable rhythms, melodic contours inspired by the songs of the birds, ….

Each movement aims to show us different perspectives on the instruments involved. The last being, as a compilation of its predecessors, a cyclical movement to close the work.

As an interpretive suggestion, the author proposes that during the concert, each movement be introduced by reading its corresponding poem.

1st Movement:

We find an introduction “ad libitum” in which the measure is annotated with a special spelling that offers a certain freedom to the performers, to then move on to the movement itself, which is characterized by its rhythmic richness and energy, playing with the combination of different measures and accents, such as 3/8, 6/8 and 3/4 (not written but understood), very popular in the dances of southern Spain.

Soneto I

¡Esa guirnalda! ¡pronto! ¡que me muero!

¡Teje deprisa! ¡canta! ¡gime! ¡canta!

que la sombra me enturbia la garganta

y otra vez y mil la luz de enero.

Entre lo que me quieres y te quiero,

aire de estrellas y temblor de la planta,

espesura de anémonas levanta

con oscuro gemir un año entero.

Goza el fresco paisaje de mi herida,

quiebra juncos y arroyos delicados.

Bebe en muslo de miel sangre vertida.

Pero ¡pronto! Que unidos, enlazados,

boca rota de amor y alma mordida,

el tiempo nos encuentre destrozados.

Federico García Lorca

2nd Movement:

It is the most melodic and expressive movement of the four. It is a lullaby, in which the two instruments carry out a continuous dialogue. First, the piano takes the accompaniment roll to finally take the lead voice with the contrapuntal accompaniment of the flute.

There is a version for Cello and Piano of this movement.


Soneto II

Tú nunca entenderás lo que te quiero

porque duermes en mí y estás dormido.

Yo te oculto llorando, perseguido

por una voz de penetrante acero.

Norma que agita igual carne y lucero

traspasa ya mi pecho dolorido

y las turbias palabras han mordido

las alas de tu espíritu severo.

Grupo de gente salta en los jardines

esperando tu cuerpo y mi agonía

en caballos de luz y verdes crines.

Pero sigue durmiendo, vida mía.

¡Oye mi sangre rota en los violines!

¡Mira que nos acechan todavía!

Federico García Lorca

3rd Movement:

This movement is the most experimental of the four, in which the composer uses new extended techniques and new spellings to represent all of his inner imagination. It is divided into two sections: the first is an introduction to the flute solo in which the game with the air, slap, noise of keys and other resources, make this introduction a game of different atmospheres that will give way to the next section which consists of an ostinato that will lead to the climax of the piece.

Soneto III

El viento explota cautelosamente

qué viejo tronco tenderá mañana.

El viento: con la luna en su alta frente

escrito por el pájaro y la rana.

El cielo se coloca lentamente,

una estrella se muere en la ventana,

y en las sombras tendidas del Naciente

luchan mi corazón y su manzana.

El viento como arcángel sin historia

tendrá de largo acecho, la victoria,

mientras mi corazón en la luz fría

frente al vago espejismo de la Gloria,

lucha sin descifrar el alma mía.

Federico García Lorca

4th Movement:

In this fourth movement, structured in the shape of a rondo, themes from the previous movements appear, as a cyclical movement, which serves to give unity and close the work.

Soneto IV

Una viola de luz yerta y helada

eres ya por las rocas de la altura.

Una voz sin garganta, voz oscura

que suena en todo sin sonar en nada.

Tu pensamiento es nieve resbalada

en la gloria sin fin de la blancura.

Tu perfil es perenne quemadura.

Tu corazón paloma desatada.

Canta ya por el aire sin cadena

la matinal fragante melodía,

monte de luz y llaga de azucena.

Que nosotros aquí de noche y día

haremos en la esquina de la pena

una guirnalda de melancolía.

Federico García Lorca